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Written in december with some emotion

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                                              Written in december 2004 with some emotion

What would each one of you People out there do, if you observed something like a message that was to be opened to the People, which would likley offend them, but also help to save them from a slow death?
Tell me Please, what would you do, would you sit on it and hide it from view, even though, by doing so, you would be destined for the very same fate as the ones whom you were to bring the messge to.
What would you do if you seen in a book "Son of man because of their errors these People are "wasting" away.
Because of the idolatry that is right in front of their faces, the books that they read and publish, because of these an entire People are sick and are "wasting away", Literally.
But why?
Because they have put their publications above the commands of God and most of above GOD him self., they valuse the book rather than the writer of the book, they have turned the scriptures into an idol, in whcih they boast.[Jehovah's Wittnesess, A small part of the Vine of Israel]
What would you do People if it were one of you that seen that it was you who was to give this meassage to a people that had taken GODS  nameand were saying in effect that they were the house of Israel, or the true People of the true God.
But most importantly what if you, having been one of these people for a number of years and closley observing them, only to see that they were in-fact suffering from Ilness, like stomach pains, stiffness of limbs, colds, and flu, tirdness, which they were at pains to hide ; for fear of letting their God down, and admitting that they were the ones who were in-fact on the wrong road.
When in fact they had let their God down some years before, by putting their angle to the scriptures and saying that Jehovah said, when he had not spoken at all, he had said absolutley nothing at all to them, just like in former times when in the book of Jeremiah, Israel was guilty of saying the LORD had said, when he had not spoken at all.
Then along would come an official Prophet of GOD and they would fail to believe in what he said to them.
What would each of you People do if you looked towards the Catholic religion only to observe that the same Ilness had been laid upon them? [Another part of the Vine of Israel]
Would you conceal it, knowing that if you did, then the plague would be laid on you, and that all of the People whom you did not inform, that their deaths would be upon your head, because you did not tell them that their was indeed a plague upon them and that they should at onece flee for their lives.
And That you would be held accountable for their lives or their deaths., and what if you seen that the way, in which you were to tell these People that a literal plague was upon them from God, was through music, upon strings and a singing voice?
Would you do it? or would you say , No I'm not Doing that, let them die!"
Is that what you would say, tell me? because I want to know.
Would you go out there knowing that more that likley People would not believe you, that they would think you were crazy?
The only hope that you had that they would believe you is if they were close readers of the Prophet Ezekiel and that they could see that the Prophet was told to tell the the people all of these things on strings a stringed instrument, or if he did not then he would most likley die.
Ezekiel was a prophet in dirge who played upon strings and sang, but most people would not take what he was saying seriously at all, but unfortunaley to their own loss.  and Ezekiel was writing about the final judgement and the great War between NORTH AND SOUTH, which is in-fact EAST AND WEST OF THE WORLD, BECAUSE OF THE TIME AND THE SITUATION WE ARE IN NOW.
We have always had some idea that the WAR would start in the EAST, the cradle of humaity;
GOD did say that  he would scatter the people far and wide to all points of the compus, and then, at the end, he would bring Pharaoh back to the place of his birth and that there he would take him down right in front of the entire World, for all to see and that God would be glorified through  these acts of his.
I canott stand been the bearer of bad news, I do not want to do any of this and would love to take this website down, but I can't.
Because I can see all these things, I see Jerusalem spread like a vine throughout the Earth, it's root system beggining in the land of cannan.
Jerusalem and Israel spread throughout all of the Earth, putting it's houses on every street and bringing the people in.
The Catholic religion is part of Jerusalem.
Because of what they teach, it comes directly  from judea and judah, it comes from the Jewish faith, remember, they were waiting for the annointed to arrive, but they just failed to recognise him, so that the World adopted JERUSALEM as it's own and carried in like a bird would carry a twig to a diffrent land.
A great many of the Christian faiths come from the jewish belief system, therefore, Jerusalem has indeed become a spreading vine, and Israel has become a spreading vine.
And now the King of Babylon's desire is to take it down, he being Satan, he has come against Jerusalem.
People! what would you do if you were left with the resposability of telling the entire World that there was indeed a plague upon it's Religion.
The Book of revelation clearly states about Great Babylon, another name for Jerusalem, it is her final name, a name given to an uncleansable Jerusalem, the Mother of all Harlots, the Mother of all faiths throughout the entire Earth, "Flee Babylon for fear of her plagues".
Tell me, each one of you, would you conceal this information, would you?
Knowing that if you did that your silence would cause all of these poor unfortunate's to remain in pain and never knowing why the hell they were feelin such torment?
I don't think you would, no I dont think you would people, because the blood guilt would be upon your head for the slow and tortuous deathsof all those millions of people.
"Flee Babylon for fear that you too recieve her plagues, all of her plagues, because the God that judges her is a strong God.
Run People for why would you want to stay within her walls knowing all of this?
What if you do not believe it?
But all you have to do is to look at the people who walk from churches each sunday or each evening and study them to know that if what I say is true or false.
If all of them are vibrant and healthy then I'm wrong, but if you see the opposite then run, even you Priests, because without fail GOD said that he would judge Jerusalem and send her many plagues, and I have explained to you how she is a spreading vine.
Would you conceal this information people, can you see the predicament that I am in and yet I canott keep it from People what I see, that Jehovah's Witnesses are "wasting away" because they presumed to speak a lie in Gods name, they presumed to speak for God when he said absoluley nothing at all to them, they presumed their double error saying that it was he who told them to say these two dates.
Jehovah's Witnesses have turned his name into a compleate laughing stock among the Nations.
What would you do People if after seeing all of this you began to realise in the year 1997 that New York would be lost, so you wrote a song about what you were seeing.
Would you risk speaking about it and trying to warn the people that what you were seeing might just be real.
An entire city been destroyed by fire from the outside, what would you do people.
I don't want any city's to be lost or destroyed but it is not in my hands is it?
The American Pollicy it would appear to be moving this city to this possible outcome.
But more importatly if Tyre is a likeness to a great city in the future, back then I mean, then the City is doomed and will be destroyed.
What would you do people if you knew all of this back in the year I have said?
GOD has no problem offending the hearts of people, after all he did create us all and his power is "awesome", to use an Americanisim.
Look! it happens to be a mirror image of the old city of Tyre and I am obliged to speak as I see.
All of this attacking of Iraq is bound to bring about a vengefull attack upon some American City.
Whats the answer?
I don't know?
I could suggest a few things, but I think whats the point in suggesting anything at all, when people they never listen.
you could make a move to a diffrent city, or this American King could stop trying to be like GODand put a stop to the attacks upon the middle east.
But you know having said all of this, GOD did say that all of this must happen and that Israel would be attacked, but that those who would attack would rot were they stood.
I state my situation very very clearly, I have absolutley no aggression towards Israel and anything that I say about Israel is inspired and based on the word of their God and my God.
They are not attacks, only observations and warnings, but I am well aware that Israel, no matter what they have done in the past, that God did make a covenent with them and they are still Gods People, lest we all forget this fact.
This attack upon the middle east is a lead up to an attack on Israel.
What would you do People if you seen all of these things, would you wimper out of your resposability, even when you did, your God would throw you into a state of confusion and pain so that you simply had no other choice but to do as he said.
There is no winning against GOD;Woe onto those who rely upon Pharaoh and have not consulted upon Jehovah.
According the word of God, anyone who goes up against Israel will be going up against God, these are the words of God and not mine. what would you do People would you shrink back from a duty such as this.
I am afraid that you could not because when God wants something done and someone to do it for him then he will have it done, after all he is GOD.
"Pharaoh, I even built you for my purpose, so as to bring glory to myself" says the God of Gods.
Pharaoh has no say in the matter at all he truly is only a puppet, in fact maybe we all are in this scenario.
It is time to wake up World.......[Type in Blue was added in October of 2005] .For now they have truck bombs. Time is ticking away